24 Gennaio 2020, Milano
Nella prestigiosa Suite Presidenziale dell’Hotel Principe di Savoia di Milano, una tra le più ambite al mondo, è stata organizzata una serata unica all’insegna del gioco e del divertimento.
Un party firmato Posh Magazine, affiancato dai noti brand YSL Beauty e Genny, al quale hanno partecipato guest star come il re della house music Cece Rogers e Niki Dj.
In the prestigious Presidential Suite of the Hotel Principe di Savoia in Milan, one of the most coveted in the world, a unique evening was organized in the name of play and fun.
A party signed Posh Magazine, flanked by the well-known brands YSL Beauty and Genny, which was attended by guest stars such as the king of house music Cece Rogers and Niki Dj.
A party signed Posh Magazine, flanked by the well-known brands YSL Beauty and Genny, which was attended by guest stars such as the king of house music Cece Rogers and Niki Dj.